
с фарси книги
Фазлуллах Компани
Abû Tharr Al-Ghifârî
Abbas Ahmad al-Bostani
Abu Talib: The Faithful of Quraysh
Abdullah Al-Khunayzi
A man, who supported the straight belief while all the hearts turned aside from him and all the eyes, looked askance at him. Those hearts and eyes scattered grudge, quivered with serious enmity, warned of resistance and disobedience to put out this fresh burning torch. Some hands stretched to do away with this (new prophet), whose light had cured the sore-eyes. But this strong fort (Abu Talib) stood up to them towering, showing his powerfulness and challenging their reckless will. And then they turned back empty-handed. The grudge increased in the hearts against this supporter but it was as the grudge of the horses against the bridles. A man, who watered Islam when it was a seed in a barren land, guarded it against the wind when it was soft and tender and then took care of it when it was young. It grew and became strong. The light spread from it. No enemy could achieve an aim until the loyal guard of this flowing spring left to the better world and until the flowing spring dried.
Fatimah: The Gracious
Abu Muhammad Ordoni
Ali Junto al Profata
‘Alî Dawânî
Me'raj in the Qur'an, physical ascension, traditions relating the events which occurred during Me'raj.
Allamah Muhammad Baqir Al-Majlisi
This is the second volume of the three volume series by Allamah Al-Majlisi, titled Hayat al-Qulub (Life of the Hearts). This volume is a very detailed and comprehensive biography of Prophet Muhammad [s], starting with an account of his esteemed ancestry and ending with the events that transpired shortly after his death.
Hayatul Qulub - Vol. 2 A Detailed Biography of Prophet Muhammad (s)
Allamah Muhammad Baqir Al-Majlisi
This is the second volume of the three volume series by Allamah Al-Majlisi, titled Hayat al-Qulub (Life of the Hearts). This volume is a very detailed and comprehensive biography of Prophet Muhammad [s], starting with an account of his esteemed ancestry and ending with the events that transpired shortly after his death.
Ahmad ibn Ata Illah
El Libro de la Sabiduri
Dichos del Imam Ali (P)
Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib
Worte und weisheiten
imam khomeinis(s)
Miscellaneous Fatwas
Khamene’i , Ali
Imam al-Mehdi
Resaleh team
"Ricardo Padilla"
Ricardo Padilla
Fatimah Al-Ma`sumah (as): A Role Model for Men and Women
Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Fadlullah
The beloved daughter of the Holy Prophet (saww), a role model for men and women. The aim of this book is to create admiration for her uncompromising protest and stance, and sympathy for the injustice she suffered.
Sulh al-Hasan - The Peace Treaty of Al-Hasan [as]
Shaykh Radi Al-Yasin
This valuable book, Sulh al-Hasan, is, among the works of the great Shaykh Radi Al-Yasin. It is also among the important writings on the subject. So we may say that it is matchless. Worth mentioning, writing about such a subject, Sulh al-Hasan (peace be on him) is among the difficult matters.
A Shi'ite Anthology
Tabataba'i , Muhammad Husayn
تنوير آفتاب
ابو فائز
باقر بيد هندي
24 pages
مكتوبات عرفاني امام خميني(ره)
امام خميني(ره)
91 pages
امام خميني کے منتخب بيانات و پيغامات
برگزيدهاي از بيانات و سخنرانيهاي امام خميني(ره)
93 pages
شيخ عبدالكريكم حائري
حجةالاسلام سيد حسن عباس فطرت
سعيد عباس زاده
87 pages
امام خميني(ره) اور اسلامي بيداري
حجة الاسلام والمسلمين محمد علي تسخيري
سيد احتشام عباس زيدي
52 pages
имам Хомейни
حمید انصاری
Знакомство с жизнью14 непорочных(Пророк, Хазрате Фатима Захра и 12 Имамов)
رایزنی فرهنگی ایران در ترکمنستان
کمیته چهارمین نمایشگاه بینالمللی قرآن
40 pages
زندگي امام خميني
رجب علي مزروعي
سيد عطا محمد عابدي
102 pages
معلم انقلاب
سيد ذوالفقار علي زيدي
سيد عبد الحسين لاري
سيد علي رضا سيد كباري
سيد مسعود اختر رضوي
122 pages
سيد ابن طاؤس (ره)
سيد مسعود اختر رضوي
عباس عبيري
102 pages
راز دعبل
سيد نياز علي رضوي ہندي
فريبا كلهر
24 pages
كاشف الغطاء
محمد رضا سماك اماني
نثار احمد زين پوري
203 pages
محدّث نوري-روايت نور
محمد صحّتي سردرودي
نثار احمد زين پوري
163 pages
شرف الدين عاملي -نقيب اتحاد
مصطفي قلي زاده
نثار احمد زين پوري
208 pages
Совершенный человек в исламе
The Life of Muhammad The Prophet
Detailed account of the life and history of Prophet Muhammad (s), including his birth and early life, events in Makkah and Madina, and his final years. The idea behind writing this book was to satisfy the needs of our new generation - the youths and the students who are unable to study the scholastic books written by the Muslim scholars.