
Master and Mastership
Mutahhari , Murtada
Questions on Jurisprudence
Sharaf al-Din Musawi , Abd al-Husayn (Liyakatali Takim)
Light Within Me
Tabatabai , Muhammad Husayn (Mustajab Ahmad Ansari)
Lessons From Qur'an
Qara'ati , Muhsin
Imamate and Leadership
Musavi Lari , Mujtaba (Hamid Algar)
Knowing God
Musavi Lari , Mujtaba (F.J. Goulding)
Jurisprudence and Its Principles
Mutahhari , Murtada (Salman Tawhidi)
Jihad and Shahadat
Taleqani , Mahmud
Inquiries About Islam
Chirri , Mohamad Jawad
Shariati , Ali
Then I Was Guided
Tijani Smaoui , Mohamed
God and His Attributes
Musavi Lari , Mujtaba (Hamid Algar)
Goal of Life
Mutahhari , Murtada
Tenets of Islam
Shaykh Tusi
Tears for Kerbala
Dewji , Liakat
Sorrows & Sufferings
Merchant , Noorali S.
Nahj al-Balaghah for Children
Ahl al-Bayt World Assembly
Forty Hadith
Imam Khumayni (Mahliqa Qara'i)
A Bundle of Flowers from the Garden of Traditions of the Prophet & Ahlul-Bayt
Sayyid Abbas Sadr-'ameli
Faghih Imani , Kamal (Abbas Sadr-'ameli)
Ethics and Spiritual Growth
Musawi Lari , Mujtaba
Taqlid: Meaning and Reality
Mutahhari , Murtada
Rizvi , Muhammad
Mutahhari , Murtada
Beacons of Light
Tabarsi (Mahmoud Ayoub and Lynda Clarke)
The Awaited Saviour
Mutahhari , Murtada And Muhammd baqir Sadr
Ask Those Who Know
Tijani Smaoui , Mohamed
A Shi'ite Anthology
Tabataba'i , Muhammad Husayn
Women in a Qur'anic Society
Farouqi , Lois Lamya
Towards a Definition of Terrorism
Taskhiri , Muhammad Ali
The Role of Reason in Ijtihad
Mutahhari , Murtada (Mahliqa Qara'i)
The Role of Ijtihad in Legislation
Mutahhari , Murtada (Mahliqa Qara'i)
Glimpses of the Nahj al-Balaghah
Mutahhari , Murtada ('Ali Quli Qara'i)
Glimpses of the Nahj al-Balaghah
Mutahhari , Murtada ('Ali Quli Qara'i)
An Introduction to 'Irfan
Mutahhari , Murtada
An Introduction to 'Ilm al-Kalam
Mutahhari , Murtada ('Ali Quli Qara'i)
The Principle of Ijtihad in Islam
Mutahhari , Murtada
The Salat
H'usein , Bàqir
Simplified Islamic Laws
Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Al-Hussainy Sistani
Every action that a person performs has a specific ruling in Islam. The various actions that we perform, which are related to our responsibility (to Allah) are divided into five categories: Wajib, Haram, Mustahab, Makruh, and Mubah. Wajib: Those actions which must be performed, and turning away from them, incur Allah's punishment - for example Salat, and Sawm. Haram: Those actions which must be avoided, and performing them incur punishment from Allah, like lieing and oppression. Mustahab: These are actions which are recommended to be performed and earn the person a reward, but turning away from such actions does not incur punishment from Allah - for example saying Salam and giving Sadaqa.
Manasik of Hajj in Brief
Ayatollah Al-Uzma Sayyid Ali Khamenei
The Hajj in Islamic law is a group of sacred rites and is one of the pillars upon which Islam is established as it has been quoted from Imam al-Baqir (a.): "Islam has been built on five things: salat, zakat, sawm, Hajj and wilayah to the Ahlul-Bait (a.)".
The Collector of Felicities
Muhammad Mahdi Ibn Abi Dharr Al-Narāqi
Man has a soul and physical body, each of which is subject to its own pleasures and diseases. What harms the body is sickness, and that which gives it pleasure lies in its well-being, health and whatever is in harmony with its nature. The science that deals with the health and the maladies of the body is the science of medicine.
Ethics and Spiritual Growth
Seyyed Mojtaba Musavi Lari
We observe very clearly that everything in this world is in a state of flux and change. The process of renewal in life is a principle underlying the law of creation. In the same way as we believe in the immutable and enduring character of the law of change, we are also forced to believe in certain immutable concepts and to consider them eternal and everlasting. Among these immutable principles are the laws of morality and human excellence which we are forced to observe of the judgements of sound reason and to lead our lives in accordance with them.
Capitalism Wakes Up?
Ali Shariati
When a historian discovers laws of the transformations in history, factors which cause social revolution and the dialectical principles of history, and when a historical- philosopher shows which factors cause the formation of a social class and how and under what circumstances it is formed and how it grows until it explodes, and when he shows how the determinations of the dialectics of history cause one social class to destroy its opposing class and then by means of an internal revolution, annihilate the ruling class and seize power, then the ruling class will certainly feel the danger of becoming the victim of the dialectics of history.
An Introduction to Islamic Banking System
Seyyed Muhammad Bakr Sadr
The macro approach of Islamic socioeconomic thought is reflected in voluminous detail in Ayatullah Bakr Sadr's well-known treatise: “Our Economy”. The same approach has been emphasized in planning an Islamic system of banking. In fact it is stated in this booklet that an Islamic Bank is not a viable proposition in a non-Islamic regime. In other words, an Islamic Bank can only thrive in an Islamic Economy. As the title of the original Arabic Series mentioned above indicates, Islam's comprehensiveness and integrity is inexorable. Another important point in this article concerns the need to resolve the differences in approach to Islamization of capitalist banking, so as to retain the efficacy of the current system on the basis of Islamic requirements. No doubt, this presupposes thorough understanding of the intricacies of the existing financial institutions. At the same time, it requires an equally thorough grasp of the relevant Islamic principles. All this means well-conceived and well-directed socioeconomic research and development.
Features of Islamic Education
Al-Balagh Foundation
Education is a process of building, reform, guidance and practical training for people and is not sheer transfer of concepts and expanding of people's fields of information. Knowledge and information play the role of an engineering design on which people's personalities are based and constructed. Hence, culture and information at the teacher's hands are similar to a design drawing at an engineer's disposal, who is engaged in constructing a house or a project. The building takes shape according to the drawing which has been carefully prepared.
Ownership in Islam
Ayatollah Seyyed Mohammad Beheshti
This book is a collection of the various speeches and lectures given by Dr. Beheshti and unfortunately, the untimely martyrdom of this great soul has not only left a big void among us, but is also felt in the area of his work where only his expert touch and deft editing could remove the inconsistencies of the tire speeches and make the written text as dynamic and alive as when he spoke them, thus removing the incoherence which might be felt in the text.
Islam and Nationalism
Dr. Ali Mohammad Naqavi
Nationalism being an issue which has always commanded society's attention, it would be fitting to analyze this concept from a scientific angle. How can it be defined and what principles does it entail? How far does Islam accept these principles? Is there any incompatibility between Islam and nationalism? Can an individual be a Muslim believer and a faithful nationalist at the same time? What are the weak strong points of nationalism? What has been the historical course of the birth and spread of nationalism in Islamic countries? It is by means of research and investigation and far from tumultuous propaganda that it becomes clear whether nationalism has a place in a society where an Islamic revolution has taken place in a society which is decided on establishing Islamic values and an Islamic order.
Jurisprudence and Its Principles
The subject under consideration here is the knowledge of the principles of jurisprudence, usul ul fiqh. The two studies of jurisprudence and its principles are interconnected. They are interconnected in the same way, as will become clear, as the two studies of logic and philosophy are interconnected. The study of the principles is tantamount to a preparation to the study of jurisprudence, and it is for this reason that it has been named the principles of jurisprudence, for the word usul means roots or principles.
Portraits of Youth
Ayatullah Ali Dawani
In order to encourage and guide the youths and to prevent them from being misguided, there are various establishments, societies, newspapers and magazines etc. We even have special ministries for youth affairs. All this is so because the life of the youth is most precious. Youth is that time of life when responsibilities of a person increase and these important days pass away very soon, but it is the time when the personality of the youth is shaped. The foundations of a brilliant future are made firm in this period. In these days the youth selects and chalks out a program for his life according to his own choice. This time is so crucial that if a proper program is not selected and a proper path not chosen, one would have to suffer its consequences forever, and the realization would come only when there is no recourse except to face shame and humiliation, while regret is not a cure. Therefore it is necessary that at this critical and important juncture of life parents, and their adolescent children, in the light of reason and contemplation, choose the correct path. On this juncture, one should not merely consider the transient world but also keep the hereafter in view. Where along with the world, the success of the hereafter is also assured. Though in education of youths today only those fields and subjects are selected in which there are more worldly benefits. The aim of education is the material world and its comforts, and this is repeated so many times before the young people that they form a mindset that the aim of life is only to earn money and obtain material comforts. The effect of it is that the youth instead of becoming a perfect human being becomes a machine for earning money. Then gradually his youth begins to decline and he nears old age. All the parts of that machine of youth deteriorate and become useless. When no scope remains for rejuvenation, these same people become a burden for the future generations who await their death restlessly.
Religious Questions Answered: Logic for Islamic Rules
Ayatullah Makarim Shirazi
Ayatollah Ja'far Subhani
Islam has ordered some things and refrained from others. The basis of this has some purpose and Islamic laws are not imposed without any reason. For example foods and drinks, the lawful relations and other things, all have some benefit or harm hidden in them. Whether the laws about them are made or not, there is no difference of their effects. If you ponder on the things, which are forbidden, you will come to know that the things, which are intoxicating like alcohol etc, are themselves harmful. Interest is just acquiring wealth of the people and it is like a trap. Therefore wine and interest are forbidden because of their innate harmful effects. On the other side when you look at things, which are obligatory you will feel that all the worship acts for example Prayer and Zakat are obligatory because of the benefits that people acquire from them. In short that Islamic laws are based on benefits or harms or on their goodness or evil. Many things can be understood from science and experience. This type of research or to know the logic behind any Islamic law or to ask any questions regarding it is not disallowed. The curiosity of a human being leads to finding of truth and his real spiritual want and also it opens the door for progress. It is a lively sign for man that he tries to acquire the things, which are unknown and hidden to him. This is the reason that people who don’t question about things lag behind and do not prosper. In the view of Islam the benefits of “Questioning” brings progress and perfection. Islam not only gives its followers the right to question the different topics but also the true guides of Islam have invited people to ask questions. The world must have not forgotten the famous sentence of the great preacher who said, “ask me whatever you want to ask.” The progeny of the Holy Prophet (‘s) has answered the questions of their followers. Not only those followers got satisfactory answers that increased their thinking power but also today those in search for truth can use this valuable treasure of knowledge from the progeny of the Holy Prophet (‘s).
The Status of Women in Islam
The woman's rights issue, lately, has come to shed a lot of ink in our country. This was followed by events of which all of us are more or less aware. However, here is not the place to discuss them. For a well-founded study of the woman's rights, (note that she forms half of the world's population), we should consider her position in nature and society and find out what are the privileges and values granted her in nature or in religious terms, by Divine Power and Wisdom.
The Imposed War
H. Faridani
GA. Kamali
Abu Talib: The Faithful of Quraysh
Abdullah Al-Khunayzi
A man, who supported the straight belief while all the hearts turned aside from him and all the eyes, looked askance at him. Those hearts and eyes scattered grudge, quivered with serious enmity, warned of resistance and disobedience to put out this fresh burning torch. Some hands stretched to do away with this (new prophet), whose light had cured the sore-eyes. But this strong fort (Abu Talib) stood up to them towering, showing his powerfulness and challenging their reckless will. And then they turned back empty-handed. The grudge increased in the hearts against this supporter but it was as the grudge of the horses against the bridles. A man, who watered Islam when it was a seed in a barren land, guarded it against the wind when it was soft and tender and then took care of it when it was young. It grew and became strong. The light spread from it. No enemy could achieve an aim until the loyal guard of this flowing spring left to the better world and until the flowing spring dried.
The Martyr
When a future Martyr writes about martyrdom.
Inquiries About Shi'a Islam
Imam Sayed Moustafa al-Qazwini
This book is a call to unite the Muslims since true unity stems from an understanding of each other's philosophies, not from keeping them secret. While the majority of Shi'a scholars and even average individuals keep many books belonging to other schools of thought in their libraries, few other Muslims take the time to read the original sources of Shi'a philosophy. I have endeavored in this book to present the most controversial issues that distinguish Shi'a Islam in a simple manner understandable by all people, particularly our youth generation in the Western countries. To make this book accessible to all readers regardless of their school of thought, I have relied mainly on the Noble Quran and traditions of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HF) as reported in the books of narration (hadith).
Ebrahim Hassan Beigi
Shaghayegh Ghandehari
Hazrat Mohammad (pbuh), the last messenger of God is the prophet of grace and affection. Several people around the world are eager to know more about him. This novel has been created for the better acquaintance of the non-Muslims with this divine messenger. Therefore it has a simple literary structure, while the selection of events and the arrangement of the historical incidents are all narrated through such a plain approach.
This is Islam
Dr. Mohammad Hassan Ghadiri Abyaneh
Religious Democracy
Mohammad Bagher Khorramshad
The Concept of Messiah in Islam
Rizvi , Muhammad
Principles of Faith - Usul al Deen
Ayatullah Al-Uzma Shaykh Husayn Vahid Khorasani
A Closer Look at Christianity
Qasem , Mohamed
Adabus Salat - The Disciplines of the Prayer
Ayatullah Ruhullah Musawi Khomeini
The Disciplines of the Salat (The Islamic Prayer), which was finished on Monday, the 2nd of Rabi'uth-thani, 1361 L.H. [Lunar Hijri Year] (30th of Farwardin, 1321 S.H. [Solar Hijri year]), is a detailed explanation of the Salat's strict disciplines and moral secrets.
An Introduction to The Islamic Shari'ah
category, Education & Training, en, FSHUM000000N, Good & Evil, Islam, models, name, Non-Fiction, Philosophy, Psychology, Reference, Religion, Religious, Research & Methodology, shariah taqlid mahdi islam shia introduction islamic rizvi mohammed muhammed ijtihad fiqh ayatullah ayatollah mujtahid
Sayed Ibn Tawoos
Shiite Islam: Orthodoxy or Heterodoxy?
Luis Alberto Vittor
Second Emended and Amplified Edition - Luis Alberto Vittor clearly explains the essence of Shi'ite Islam on its own. Without the need of putting down any other sect of Islam, Shi'ite Islam can be understood truly for what its basic fundamentals and teachings. - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Translated, Edited, and Annotated by John Andrew Morrow With a a Preface by Barbara Castleton
Hajj: The Duties and Rulings
Imam Muhammad Shirazi
The Emergence of Shi'ism and the Shi'ites
Martyr Mohammad Baqir As Sadr
Barzakh (Purgatory)
Ayatullah Husain Dastghaib
Ask Those Who Know
Sayed Muhammad Al Tijani Al Samawi
Hayatul Qulub - Vol 3 : Succession to Muhammad (s.a.w.s.)
Allamah Muhammad Baqir Al-Majlisi
Luis Alberto Vittor
The Unschooled Prophet
The Unschooled Prophet
One of the highlights in the life of the Prophet (s) is the fact that he was untrained and unschooled. The scribes of the Prophet, Hudaybiyya, the word 'ummi', and the literacy of the Prophet.
Fatimah: The Gracious
Abu Muhammad Ordoni
The Life of Muhammad The Prophet
Detailed account of the life and history of Prophet Muhammad (s), including his birth and early life, events in Makkah and Madina, and his final years. The idea behind writing this book was to satisfy the needs of our new generation - the youths and the students who are unable to study the scholastic books written by the Muslim scholars.
Fatimah Al-Ma`sumah (as): A Role Model for Men and Women
Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Fadlullah
The beloved daughter of the Holy Prophet (saww), a role model for men and women. The aim of this book is to create admiration for her uncompromising protest and stance, and sympathy for the injustice she suffered.
Me'raj - The Night Ascension
Mullah Faidh Al Kashani
Me'raj in the Qur'an, physical ascension, traditions relating the events which occurred during Me'raj.
Me'raj in the Qur'an, physical ascension, traditions relating the events which occurred during Me'raj.
Allamah Muhammad Baqir Al-Majlisi
This is the second volume of the three volume series by Allamah Al-Majlisi, titled Hayat al-Qulub (Life of the Hearts). This volume is a very detailed and comprehensive biography of Prophet Muhammad [s], starting with an account of his esteemed ancestry and ending with the events that transpired shortly after his death.
Allamah Muhammad Baqir Al-Majlisi
The Shia of Ali will be the true winners- These three books -namely, al-Mawaaizh, Sifat ush-Shia, and Fadhaa'il ush-Shia- that are at the hands of the dear reader are indeed precious moral gems presented to the adherents of the Prophet's household. They are the works of the master Sheikh as-Saduq, Allah have mercy upon him, who compiled them in different times. The translator has depended, in his work, on the copy that is published by Al-Maarif Al-Islamiyya Foundation - Qum, and revised by Mr. Mahmoud Al-Badri who exerted remarkable efforts for advancing these precious compilations in such a noteworthy form. In addition to the original texts of the books, most of the information, notes, and comments that the reviser has added are translated for the purpose of expanding the scope of information and making the contents more understandable and more accessible to all. Furthermore, a brief biography of the compiler Sheikh as-Saduq is added so as to introduce this unique personality to the readers. This work is in fact three books whose topics are connected to each other. One of them, namely Sifat ush-Shia, focuses the lights on the qualities that the Shia should have within their moralities. Without such qualities, the Shia would not have won such abundant merits to which the second book, namely Fadhaa'il ush-Shia, refers. The third book, namely al-Mawaaizh, compiles the maxims and words of wisdom that are said by the Prophet and the Imams, peace be upon them all, on various occasions. It is necessary for the Shiite, before others, to apply such maxims to himself, because they are surely great masterpieces and moral principals
Sulh al-Hasan - The Peace Treaty of Al-Hasan [as]
Shaykh Radi Al-Yasin
This valuable book, Sulh al-Hasan, is, among the works of the great Shaykh Radi Al-Yasin. It is also among the important writings on the subject. So we may say that it is matchless. Worth mentioning, writing about such a subject, Sulh al-Hasan (peace be on him) is among the difficult matters.
Hayatul Qulub - Vol. 2 A Detailed Biography of Prophet Muhammad (s)
Allamah Muhammad Baqir Al-Majlisi
This is the second volume of the three volume series by Allamah Al-Majlisi, titled Hayat al-Qulub (Life of the Hearts). This volume is a very detailed and comprehensive biography of Prophet Muhammad [s], starting with an account of his esteemed ancestry and ending with the events that transpired shortly after his death.
The Promised One In Quran
Hussaini Shirazi , Sadiq
The last luminary
Resaleh team