Simplified Islamic Laws

Publish: 1999
Authors: Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Al-Hussainy Sistani
Translators: Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Al-Hussainy Sistani
Subjects: Education - Law

Every action that a person performs has a specific ruling in Islam. The various actions that we perform, which are related to our responsibility (to Allah) are divided into five categories: Wajib, Haram, Mustahab, Makruh, and Mubah. Wajib: Those actions which must be performed, and turning away from them, incur Allah's punishment - for example Salat, and Sawm. Haram: Those actions which must be avoided, and performing them incur punishment from Allah, like lieing and oppression. Mustahab: These are actions which are recommended to be performed and earn the person a reward, but turning away from such actions does not incur punishment from Allah - for example saying Salam and giving Sadaqa.