
51 pages
ШАХ БЕЗ БУКВЫ «Ш» - شاه بي شين
Мохаммад-Казем Мазинани
Перевод с фарси Асии Исабаевой
Исторический роман Мохаммада-Казема Мазинани «Шах без буквы «ш» является современным взглядом на жизнь последнего иранского шаха Мохаммеда Резы Пехлеви. Сюжет кни- ги начинается с болезни шаха. Далее в ретроспективе автор показывает его детство, юношество, зрелые годы вплоть до ста- рости и последних минут жизни. Автором показаны взгляды шаха по отношению к своим супругам, обществу, миру, окру- жению, бытовым вещам и даже его отношение к животным. Мазинани удачно выбрал название романа «Шах без буквы «ш», и в персидском языке звучит как «Ах». Это вздох гру- сти и сожаления по ушедшим дням, женам, амбициям, прова- лу и неудачам. Автор смог показать приниженность человека, когда-то находившегося на пике власти; человека, предавшего свой народ…
революция пророков
Джемаль Гейдар
368 pages
Ахмад Тамимдари
252 pages
исламская цивилизация
عبدالحسین زرین کوب
م. مخشولف
237 pages
Сафаров Айрат
Знакомство с Исламским учением
علامه سید محمد حسین طباطبایی
309 pages
Джами о таварих Рашид аль-Дин
ل. ختاگوروف، یو. ورخفسکی
740 pages
محمد بن جریر طبری
409 pages
وحي و نبوت
استاد شہید مرتضي مطہري
ارشاد علي نجفي مباركپور
127 pages
مرد انقلاب
مصطفي زماني
ڈاکٹر سہیل بخاري
227 pages
شجاعان تاريخ اسلام كا ايك ورق
مولانا سيد حسن عباس فطرت
101 pages
سيرت آل محمد عليهم السلام
آيـة الله مرتضي مطهري
عابد عسكري
103 pages
علامه مجدد شيخ محمد رضا مظفر
سيد مہدي الحسيني
192 pages
چهل حديث-سنت نبوي
استاد جواد محدثي
45 pages
تاريخ اسلام میں عايشه كا كردار –عهد امير المؤمنين(ع) (جلد دوم)
علامه سيد علي اختر رضوي كوپالپوري طاب ثراه
سيد مرتضي عسكري
225 pages
تاريخ اسلام میں عايشه كا كردار –دوران پيغمبر تا خلفا ثلاثه (جلد اول)
سيد مرتضي عسكري
علامه سيد علي اختر رضوي كوپالپوري طاب
198 pages
البيروني كا هندوستان
قيام الدين احمد
305 pages
The Life of Muhammad The Prophet
Detailed account of the life and history of Prophet Muhammad (s), including his birth and early life, events in Makkah and Madina, and his final years. The idea behind writing this book was to satisfy the needs of our new generation - the youths and the students who are unable to study the scholastic books written by the Muslim scholars.
The Imposed War
GA. Kamali
H. Faridani
The Emergence of Shi'ism and the Shi'ites
Martyr Mohammad Baqir As Sadr
Sulh al-Hasan - The Peace Treaty of Al-Hasan [as]
Shaykh Radi Al-Yasin
This valuable book, Sulh al-Hasan, is, among the works of the great Shaykh Radi Al-Yasin. It is also among the important writings on the subject. So we may say that it is matchless. Worth mentioning, writing about such a subject, Sulh al-Hasan (peace be on him) is among the difficult matters.
Portraits of Youth
Ayatullah Ali Dawani
In order to encourage and guide the youths and to prevent them from being misguided, there are various establishments, societies, newspapers and magazines etc. We even have special ministries for youth affairs. All this is so because the life of the youth is most precious. Youth is that time of life when responsibilities of a person increase and these important days pass away very soon, but it is the time when the personality of the youth is shaped. The foundations of a brilliant future are made firm in this period. In these days the youth selects and chalks out a program for his life according to his own choice. This time is so crucial that if a proper program is not selected and a proper path not chosen, one would have to suffer its consequences forever, and the realization would come only when there is no recourse except to face shame and humiliation, while regret is not a cure. Therefore it is necessary that at this critical and important juncture of life parents, and their adolescent children, in the light of reason and contemplation, choose the correct path. On this juncture, one should not merely consider the transient world but also keep the hereafter in view. Where along with the world, the success of the hereafter is also assured. Though in education of youths today only those fields and subjects are selected in which there are more worldly benefits. The aim of education is the material world and its comforts, and this is repeated so many times before the young people that they form a mindset that the aim of life is only to earn money and obtain material comforts. The effect of it is that the youth instead of becoming a perfect human being becomes a machine for earning money. Then gradually his youth begins to decline and he nears old age. All the parts of that machine of youth deteriorate and become useless. When no scope remains for rejuvenation, these same people become a burden for the future generations who await their death restlessly.
ondört masumu tanıyalım 7. masum imam muhammed bakir
m. Dadver
m. Mucahidi
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ondört masumu tanıyalım 14. masum imam mehdi
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ondört masumu tanıyalım 13. masum imam hasan askeri
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ondört masumu tanıyalım 12. masum imam ali naki
m. Dadver
m. Mucahidi
26 pages