
Allamah Muhammad Baqir Al-Majlisi
The Shia of Ali will be the true winners- These three books -namely, al-Mawaaizh, Sifat ush-Shia, and Fadhaa'il ush-Shia- that are at the hands of the dear reader are indeed precious moral gems presented to the adherents of the Prophet's household. They are the works of the master Sheikh as-Saduq, Allah have mercy upon him, who compiled them in different times. The translator has depended, in his work, on the copy that is published by Al-Maarif Al-Islamiyya Foundation - Qum, and revised by Mr. Mahmoud Al-Badri who exerted remarkable efforts for advancing these precious compilations in such a noteworthy form. In addition to the original texts of the books, most of the information, notes, and comments that the reviser has added are translated for the purpose of expanding the scope of information and making the contents more understandable and more accessible to all. Furthermore, a brief biography of the compiler Sheikh as-Saduq is added so as to introduce this unique personality to the readers. This work is in fact three books whose topics are connected to each other. One of them, namely Sifat ush-Shia, focuses the lights on the qualities that the Shia should have within their moralities. Without such qualities, the Shia would not have won such abundant merits to which the second book, namely Fadhaa'il ush-Shia, refers. The third book, namely al-Mawaaizh, compiles the maxims and words of wisdom that are said by the Prophet and the Imams, peace be upon them all, on various occasions. It is necessary for the Shiite, before others, to apply such maxims to himself, because they are surely great masterpieces and moral principals
Me'raj in the Qur'an, physical ascension, traditions relating the events which occurred during Me'raj.
Allamah Muhammad Baqir Al-Majlisi
This is the second volume of the three volume series by Allamah Al-Majlisi, titled Hayat al-Qulub (Life of the Hearts). This volume is a very detailed and comprehensive biography of Prophet Muhammad [s], starting with an account of his esteemed ancestry and ending with the events that transpired shortly after his death.
Hayatul Qulub - Vol 3 : Succession to Muhammad (s.a.w.s.)
Allamah Muhammad Baqir Al-Majlisi
Hayatul Qulub - Vol. 2 A Detailed Biography of Prophet Muhammad (s)
Allamah Muhammad Baqir Al-Majlisi
This is the second volume of the three volume series by Allamah Al-Majlisi, titled Hayat al-Qulub (Life of the Hearts). This volume is a very detailed and comprehensive biography of Prophet Muhammad [s], starting with an account of his esteemed ancestry and ending with the events that transpired shortly after his death.
Allamah Muhammad Reza Hakimi
: gesue maria nel corano
allamah tabatabai
: gruseppe mahdi aiello
De l’Allameh Mohammad-Ridha HAKIMI à Fidel CASTRO
Allameh Mohammad-Ridha HAKIMI
13 pages
Introducing Islam (Russian)
Allameh Tabatabaee
El viaje espiritual2
Allameh Tabatabai
La Justicia Divina
Allameh Tabatabai
14 pages
Allame Tabatabaie
Den islam ergrunden und begreifen
schahid Ayatollah Dr.Beheschti, schahid Dr. Bahinar,
The companions of the holy prophet
Ansariyan Foundation
dine karşı din
a. şarieti
h. hatemi
118 pages
Pancaran Kekuatan Negara Islam
As-Syahid Ayatollah Baqir Sadr
Fadzullah Shuib
39 pages
Practical Laws of Islam (Russian)
Ayatollah Al-Uzma Sayyid Ali Khamenei
Manasik of Hajj in Brief
Ayatollah Al-Uzma Sayyid Ali Khamenei
The Hajj in Islamic law is a group of sacred rites and is one of the pillars upon which Islam is established as it has been quoted from Imam al-Baqir (a.): "Islam has been built on five things: salat, zakat, sawm, Hajj and wilayah to the Ahlul-Bait (a.)".
Religious Questions Answered: Logic for Islamic Rules
Ayatollah Ja'far Subhani
Ayatullah Makarim Shirazi
Islam has ordered some things and refrained from others. The basis of this has some purpose and Islamic laws are not imposed without any reason. For example foods and drinks, the lawful relations and other things, all have some benefit or harm hidden in them. Whether the laws about them are made or not, there is no difference of their effects. If you ponder on the things, which are forbidden, you will come to know that the things, which are intoxicating like alcohol etc, are themselves harmful. Interest is just acquiring wealth of the people and it is like a trap. Therefore wine and interest are forbidden because of their innate harmful effects. On the other side when you look at things, which are obligatory you will feel that all the worship acts for example Prayer and Zakat are obligatory because of the benefits that people acquire from them. In short that Islamic laws are based on benefits or harms or on their goodness or evil. Many things can be understood from science and experience. This type of research or to know the logic behind any Islamic law or to ask any questions regarding it is not disallowed. The curiosity of a human being leads to finding of truth and his real spiritual want and also it opens the door for progress. It is a lively sign for man that he tries to acquire the things, which are unknown and hidden to him. This is the reason that people who don’t question about things lag behind and do not prosper. In the view of Islam the benefits of “Questioning” brings progress and perfection. Islam not only gives its followers the right to question the different topics but also the true guides of Islam have invited people to ask questions. The world must have not forgotten the famous sentence of the great preacher who said, “ask me whatever you want to ask.” The progeny of the Holy Prophet (‘s) has answered the questions of their followers. Not only those followers got satisfactory answers that increased their thinking power but also today those in search for truth can use this valuable treasure of knowledge from the progeny of the Holy Prophet (‘s).
Der islamische gednke im koran
Ayatollah osma chameinei
Ownership in Islam
Ayatollah Seyyed Mohammad Beheshti
This book is a collection of the various speeches and lectures given by Dr. Beheshti and unfortunately, the untimely martyrdom of this great soul has not only left a big void among us, but is also felt in the area of his work where only his expert touch and deft editing could remove the inconsistencies of the tire speeches and make the written text as dynamic and alive as when he spoke them, thus removing the incoherence which might be felt in the text.
Portraits of Youth
Ayatullah Ali Dawani
In order to encourage and guide the youths and to prevent them from being misguided, there are various establishments, societies, newspapers and magazines etc. We even have special ministries for youth affairs. All this is so because the life of the youth is most precious. Youth is that time of life when responsibilities of a person increase and these important days pass away very soon, but it is the time when the personality of the youth is shaped. The foundations of a brilliant future are made firm in this period. In these days the youth selects and chalks out a program for his life according to his own choice. This time is so crucial that if a proper program is not selected and a proper path not chosen, one would have to suffer its consequences forever, and the realization would come only when there is no recourse except to face shame and humiliation, while regret is not a cure. Therefore it is necessary that at this critical and important juncture of life parents, and their adolescent children, in the light of reason and contemplation, choose the correct path. On this juncture, one should not merely consider the transient world but also keep the hereafter in view. Where along with the world, the success of the hereafter is also assured. Though in education of youths today only those fields and subjects are selected in which there are more worldly benefits. The aim of education is the material world and its comforts, and this is repeated so many times before the young people that they form a mindset that the aim of life is only to earn money and obtain material comforts. The effect of it is that the youth instead of becoming a perfect human being becomes a machine for earning money. Then gradually his youth begins to decline and he nears old age. All the parts of that machine of youth deteriorate and become useless. When no scope remains for rejuvenation, these same people become a burden for the future generations who await their death restlessly.
Principles of Faith - Usul al Deen
Ayatullah Al-Uzma Shaykh Husayn Vahid Khorasani
Barzakh (Purgatory)
Ayatullah Husain Dastghaib
El hombre y la fe
Ayatullah Morteza Mutahari
El Profeta iletrado (BPD)
Ayatullah Morteza Mutahari
La ciencia de la gnosis3
Ayatullah Morteza Mutahari
Comprendiendo la Unicidad del Corán
Ayatullah Morteza Mutahari
Adabus Salat - The Disciplines of the Prayer
Ayatullah Ruhullah Musawi Khomeini
The Disciplines of the Salat (The Islamic Prayer), which was finished on Monday, the 2nd of Rabi'uth-thani, 1361 L.H. [Lunar Hijri Year] (30th of Farwardin, 1321 S.H. [Solar Hijri year]), is a detailed explanation of the Salat's strict disciplines and moral secrets.
Ein – Gott - Bekenntnisses
Ayatullah seyyed Ali khamenei
Hella. S . kamalian
Lecciones sobre las Ciencias Coránicas
Ayatullah Ya’far Subhaní
S La Shiah responde
Ayatullah Ya’far Subhaní
hac mesaji
ayetullah khameneyi
m. Turabi
20 pages
sünnilik ve şielik yapmacık bir kavgadır
b. Akyol
f. Şakaki
68 pages
hz. Imam muhammed taki
b. Akyol
48 pages
Study of the Quran
Bucaille , Maurice
Hijas de otro sendero
Carol L. Amway
uno sguardo a sette anni di Difesa sacra
centro culturale islamico europeo
Inquiries About Islam
Chirri , Mohamad Jawad
The Shi'ites Under Attack
Chirri , Muhammad Jawad