
Mathnawi ya Maulana Jalaalud-Din al-Rumi :Maelezo ya baadhi ya visa vya
Mathnawi ya Maulana Jalaalud-Din al-Rumi
Sayyid Ahmed Aqil na Hussein Hassan
100 pages
Hannah, our hero
Ali Asghar Seidabadi
Farshid Sadatsharifi and Sara Louise Anderson
10 pages
Sulh al-Hasan - The Peace Treaty of Al-Hasan [as]
Shaykh Radi Al-Yasin
This valuable book, Sulh al-Hasan, is, among the works of the great Shaykh Radi Al-Yasin. It is also among the important writings on the subject. So we may say that it is matchless. Worth mentioning, writing about such a subject, Sulh al-Hasan (peace be on him) is among the difficult matters.
Ask Those Who Know
Sayed Muhammad Al Tijani Al Samawi
Muslims Knowledge
Mohammadreza Hakimi
192 pages
Jurisprudence and Its Principles
Mutahhari , Murtada (Salman Tawhidi)
Barzakh (Purgatory)
Ayatullah Husain Dastghaib
Inquiries About Shi'a Islam
Imam Sayed Moustafa al-Qazwini
This book is a call to unite the Muslims since true unity stems from an understanding of each other's philosophies, not from keeping them secret. While the majority of Shi'a scholars and even average individuals keep many books belonging to other schools of thought in their libraries, few other Muslims take the time to read the original sources of Shi'a philosophy. I have endeavored in this book to present the most controversial issues that distinguish Shi'a Islam in a simple manner understandable by all people, particularly our youth generation in the Western countries. To make this book accessible to all readers regardless of their school of thought, I have relied mainly on the Noble Quran and traditions of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HF) as reported in the books of narration (hadith).
The Emergence of Shi'ism and the Shi'ites
Martyr Mohammad Baqir As Sadr
Knowing God
Musavi Lari , Mujtaba (F.J. Goulding)
Jihad and Shahadat
Taleqani , Mahmud
Master and Mastership
Mutahhari , Murtada
Then I Was Guided
Tijani Smaoui , Mohamed
Lessons From Qur'an
Qara'ati , Muhsin
Hayatul Qulub - Vol 3 : Succession to Muhammad (s.a.w.s.)
Allamah Muhammad Baqir Al-Majlisi
Questions on Jurisprudence
Sharaf al-Din Musawi , Abd al-Husayn (Liyakatali Takim)
God and His Attributes
Musavi Lari , Mujtaba (Hamid Algar)
Fatimah Al-Ma`sumah (as): A Role Model for Men and Women
Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Fadlullah
The beloved daughter of the Holy Prophet (saww), a role model for men and women. The aim of this book is to create admiration for her uncompromising protest and stance, and sympathy for the injustice she suffered.
Sayed Ibn Tawoos
Religious Democracy
Mohammad Bagher Khorramshad
Light Within Me
Tabatabai , Muhammad Husayn (Mustajab Ahmad Ansari)
Principles of Faith - Usul al Deen
Ayatullah Al-Uzma Shaykh Husayn Vahid Khorasani
Inquiries About Islam
Chirri , Mohamad Jawad
Fatimah: The Gracious
Abu Muhammad Ordoni
Luis Alberto Vittor
The Awaited Saviour
Mutahhari , Murtada And Muhammd baqir Sadr
Allamah Muhammad Baqir Al-Majlisi
The Shia of Ali will be the true winners- These three books -namely, al-Mawaaizh, Sifat ush-Shia, and Fadhaa'il ush-Shia- that are at the hands of the dear reader are indeed precious moral gems presented to the adherents of the Prophet's household. They are the works of the master Sheikh as-Saduq, Allah have mercy upon him, who compiled them in different times. The translator has depended, in his work, on the copy that is published by Al-Maarif Al-Islamiyya Foundation - Qum, and revised by Mr. Mahmoud Al-Badri who exerted remarkable efforts for advancing these precious compilations in such a noteworthy form. In addition to the original texts of the books, most of the information, notes, and comments that the reviser has added are translated for the purpose of expanding the scope of information and making the contents more understandable and more accessible to all. Furthermore, a brief biography of the compiler Sheikh as-Saduq is added so as to introduce this unique personality to the readers. This work is in fact three books whose topics are connected to each other. One of them, namely Sifat ush-Shia, focuses the lights on the qualities that the Shia should have within their moralities. Without such qualities, the Shia would not have won such abundant merits to which the second book, namely Fadhaa'il ush-Shia, refers. The third book, namely al-Mawaaizh, compiles the maxims and words of wisdom that are said by the Prophet and the Imams, peace be upon them all, on various occasions. It is necessary for the Shiite, before others, to apply such maxims to himself, because they are surely great masterpieces and moral principals
An Introduction to The Islamic Shari'ah
category, Education & Training, en, FSHUM000000N, Good & Evil, Islam, models, name, Non-Fiction, Philosophy, Psychology, Reference, Religion, Religious, Research & Methodology, shariah taqlid mahdi islam shia introduction islamic rizvi mohammed muhammed ijtihad fiqh ayatullah ayatollah mujtahid
Imamate and Leadership
Musavi Lari , Mujtaba (Hamid Algar)
The Role of Reason in Ijtihad
Mutahhari , Murtada (Mahliqa Qara'i)
Islamic Economy: Its Ideological and Legal Foundations
Taskhiri , Muhammad Ali (M.Azimi Etemadi)
Me'raj - The Night Ascension
Mullah Faidh Al Kashani
Me'raj in the Qur'an, physical ascension, traditions relating the events which occurred during Me'raj.
Glimpses of the Nahj al-Balaghah
Mutahhari , Murtada ('Ali Quli Qara'i)
The Amazing Qur'an
Miller , Gary
General Principles of Imam Khumayni's Political Thought
Khamene’i , Ali (A. N. Baqirshahi)
Sun of Justice
Mohammad Reza Hakimi’s
226 pages
Spiritual Journey of the Mystics
Maliki Tabrizi , Mirza Javad Agha (Hussein Alamdar)
Khamene’i , Seyyed Ali
Sorrows & Sufferings
Merchant , Noorali S.
Shi'ism: Imamate and Wilayat
Rizvi , Muhammad
Resurrection Judgement and the Hereafter
Musavi Lari , Mujtaba (Hamid Algar)
This is Islam
Dr. Mohammad Hassan Ghadiri Abyaneh